Music, characters, locations, and story by Geoffrey Day
Art by Kina Lee

(It comes from my Dropbox)



The Grand Advocate manages a two-finger wave before he moves out of sight, “The people will ascend, Regius!”

Regius cocks his gun. “They will not.”

- Excerpt from Part One: Providence


Listen to the soundtrack

“Is this what you’re looking for?” The bandit waves around a jump tech gauntlet. “I know Oris armor when I see it. In fact I’ve got a little collection.”

- Excerpt from Part Two: Maker’s Hand

He looks around at the suspended architecture, looping events, and shards of light in every direction. There are some places where people and creatures warp in and out of the void without warning.

- Excerpt from Part Three: Livitica Void

“My peers are afraid but I am not. They flee to safe places while I await my enemies. For the sake of this realm, I will show you why I deserve my Crown.”

- Excerpt from Part Four: Oris

Artwork by Kina Lee